Frutas en inglés / Inglés para niñas y niños with Mr. Pea – Spanish‍

3 min 10 sSPA2-7 yearsVery GoodNo


Download video Frutas en inglés / Inglés para niñas y niños with Mr. Pea - Spanish

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A video with which you can learn many fruits of which you find at home, at the supermarket, etc. but in English. You dare? Well here´s the text of the entire video: Hi everyone! My name is Mr Pea, and together we will learn to speak English. Today we will learn the names of some fruits in Inglés.¿ you ready? Here we go! Apple Apple is said. Say it with me: APPLE. Grape Grape said. All together: GRAPE Cherry Cherry said. See how you say it. Okay, CHERRY. Lemon Lemmon said. Repeat with me LEMMON Mandarina TANGERINE said. I repetidlo. Orange Orange TANGERINE said. Repeat with me. ORANGE Peach Peach said. All together. Pear Pear PEACH said. Let us repeat. Pear Pineapple Pineapple said. All together. PINEAPPLE. Banana Banana is said. Repeat with me. BANANA. Strawberry Strawberry said. Say it aloud. STRAWBERRY. And finally watermelon watermelon is said. Repeat with me. WATERMELON. Let´s go over all the fruits that we have learned today. Apple Apple is said. Grape Grape said. Cherry Cherry said. Lemon Lemmon said. Tangerine TANGERINE said. Orange Orange is said. Peach Peach said. Pear Pear said. Pineapple Pineapple is said. Banana Banana is said. Strawberry Strawberry said. Watermelon watermelon is said. And that´s all. Do you know you name añguna fruit which has not appointed? Write it in the comments .. See you in the next video. Bye bye! Cherry Cherry said. Lemon Lemmon said. Tangerine TANGERINE said. Orange Orange is said. Peach Peach said. Pear Pear said. Pineapple Pineapple is said. Banana Banana is said. Strawberry Strawberry said. Watermelon watermelon is said. And that´s all. Do you know you name añguna fruit which has not appointed? Write it in the comments .. See you in the next video. Bye bye! Cherry Cherry said. Lemon Lemmon said. Tangerine TANGERINE said. Orange Orange is said. Peach Peach said. Pear Pear said. Pineapple Pineapple is said. Banana Banana is said. Strawberry Strawberry said. Watermelon watermelon is said. And that´s all. Do you know you name añguna fruit which has not appointed? Write it in the comments .. See you in the next video. Bye bye!

A great clip of Libro Mágico with a time length of 3 min 10 s which you can to listen in Spanish language and that is adapted for boys and girls of the ages: from 2 to 7 years old.

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Originally posted 2022-03-29 15:30:50.

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