♫♫♪ Feliz, Feliz Navidad y más Christmas songs de Navidad y canciones ♫♪♫ / Dave y Ava – Spanish
Duration | Language | Age | Quality | Subtitles |
49 min | SPA | 2-7 years | Very Good | Yes |
👧 🎸 🔊 👧👦
Collection of children´s songs and Christmas songs for Christmas hand young Dave and Ava Songs included: 00:19 Merry, Merry Christmas Humpty Dumpty 2:34 7:24 4:42 Five Ducklings 9:20 jumping and singing one finger part 1 part 2 11:41 14:03 one finger caught a fish jumped Rain Rain Vete Ya 16:00 18:46 21:47 Finger Family Don Jacinto had a farm
One video has a duration of 49 min and is realized with a Very Good Quality specially for children of thesame age groups 2-7 years in Spanish language.
📺👩👧👦 How to see Dave y Ava videos for free? 👩👧👦🎶
Remember that on this site, you’ll enjoy more music videos online of Dave y Ava as well as by other creators for children
We wish unterline the fact that on this website dedicated to the categorisation of every kinds of videos intended to the youngest members of the house, it is not possible to download the movies for kids that you may get shown here, due the fact that these videos are being transmitted on the official platforms and you will be able to enjoy them as many times as you want on this site without having to download the children’s video.
Don’t miss the oportunity to enjoy a big selection of the trendiest songs for kids from kids’ programmes. All videos are neatly organized so that you can easily watch the shows or cartoons of your preferred contents. Also, you can find the searching feature so that you may find those music songs that your kids are wishing to get again.
Originally posted 2022-04-05 20:28:33.