CantaJuego – with mi dedito (versión México) – Spanish‍

1 min 50 sSPA0-4 yearsVery GoodNo


Download video CantaJuego - with mi dedito (versión México) - Spanish

‍👧‍👦 🎵 📹 ‍👧‍👦

How many things can you say to your finger? Yes, No, … and much more. ´Let´s sing our little finger !!

Very nice clip for little boys and girls that wish to listen and learn Spanish and love CantaJuego’s videos.

The most TOP children's songs from CantaJuego


📹‍👧‍👦 How can you watch free contents from CantaJuego? 👧🎼

Don’t forget that on this website, you’ll find other videos by CantaJuego and other creators for children

Don’t miss the oportunity to get a large selection of the hottest contents for kids from kids’ channels. All clips are clearly sorted to allow you to see the shows or cartoons of your favourite songs. Alternatively, you can choose the searching tool so that you may find those music videos that your kids are wishing to view again.

Download videos for children's of CantaJuego

We wish unterline the fact that through this website devoted to the ranking of every types of videos aimed to the little ones of the house, it is not authorised to downloaded the videos for kids that you can enjoy posted on the page, since they are being streamed through the real platforms and you will be able to watch them as many times as you prefer on this site, free of charge, and you do not have to download the children’s song.

Originally posted 2022-04-10 05:21:10.

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